Tag: Busting Myths

  • Busting the Myths of Weight Loss: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong

    Weight loss can be a challenging journey for many people. With so much conflicting information out there about what works and doesn’t work when it comes to shedding pounds its no wonder why some individuals feel frustrated or discouraged along the way. In this blog post we aim to debunk several common myths surrounding weight…

  • Busting Weight Loss Myths: Everything You Thought Was True, But Isn’t

    Busting Weight Loss Myths: Everything You Thought Was True, But Isn’t

    Are you struggling to make progress on your weight loss journey? Are the strategies and advice that you’ve been following not yielding results? In this article we will dispel some common myths about losing weight by providing evidence based information. This approach will help empower you with knowledge so that you can achieve success in…