Category: Blog
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not…
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates I’ve come to realize that’s where I went wrong the first time around. I was so focused on changing my body because I hated it, losing as much weight as quickly as…
What would you like to see in a giveaway?
I’m working on a giveaway for this blog, my fitblr, and my instagram – and I’m wondering what you would want to see in the giveaway? Some of the items I was thinking were: – planner to use for workout and meal tracking – recipe book – cute water bottle – t-shirt or workout leggings…
Don’t forget to submit your Transformation Tuesday photos!
I’ve got a couple in my inbox that I will be posting tomorrow! Submit your photo (and short story if you’d like) and be promoted to 73k followers. Let’s all inspire one another ❤ * This article was originally published here
11 months, and 35 lbs down, and I feel better than ever! I’m not…
11 months, and 35 lbs down, and I feel better than ever! I’m not finished yet, but I am so far from where I began. I never thought I could feel so proud of myself! 😊❤️💪🏼 Thank you for the submission hbelleflower! You are doing great, keep up the good work 🙂 * This article…
lifeisyourstomiss:#motivationmonday . I’ve struggled with my…
lifeisyourstomiss: #motivationmonday . I’ve struggled with my weight and finding balance my entire life. During my formative years, I dealt with a lot of mean girls. How did I cope? Binge eating! Having family problems? The answer can obviously be found at the bottom of an ice cream carton. And low self-esteem? Psshhh I didn’t…
Down 70 pounds and counting! That means im in the healthy weight range! Finally ♡♡
* This article was originally published here
For the first time since high school (5 years), I was able to buy clothes that were not in the ‘plus’ section today! I almost cried. 😊💪🏼
* This article was originally published here
So this is my entry for Transformation Tuesday. It wasn’t easy…
So this is my entry for Transformation Tuesday. It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t fast. It took me years to reach this point and I’m nowhere near done. There is no magic formula, no pills, no tea, not even a strict diet that can do the trick instantly. It’s all about determination and a daily…
Submitted by: twomoons4567
Submitted by: twomoons4567 * This article was originally published here
Send in your Transformation Tuesday submissions!
We just got a transformation submission that will be posted on Tuesday 🙂 Send them in and you will be featured on our blog (75k followers) the upcoming Tuesday! I love seeing all of your inspiring transformations 🙂 * This article was originally published here