Category: Blog

  • Stress and the Lap-Band

    Stress and the Lap-Band

    Just found this great info about why the band gets tight during stress and at different times of the day. I actually believe the guy. Click here to read the original blog post by Dr. Terry Simpson, MD (Lapband surgeon from Arizona). BTW, he has a lot of other blog posts well worth reading. Here is…

  • Best Weekend Ever

    Best Weekend Ever

    I had the most amazing long weekend where we celebrated Victoria Day in memory of some long dead queen. But who can turn down a long weekend and the official start of summer. My sister drove up from Toronto so there was a lot of visiting and partying. The weather was amazing. Hot and sunny…

  • Life is like a box of crayons

    Life is like a box of crayons

    I envision my life to be like this quote written by John Mayer:  “Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you’re really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back.  I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I’ve got a few missing. It’s ok though,…

  • There are Starving Kids in Africa

    There are Starving Kids in Africa

    Remember when we were kids and didn’t eat what was put in front of us for dinner and our parents would say “eat it, there are starving kids in Africa”. Our reply was “send it to the starving kids in Africa”. I think I might have even said it to my own kids. As I…

  • How to Body Wrap to Lose Fat & Inches

    Want to lose inches fast? Body wrap treatments are a quick way to lose inches in the belly, abdominal, or stomach area. Body wraps also detoxify, exfoliate and soften skin. Spas offer expensive body wrap treatments. A cheaper alternative is to do it yourself at home. Body wrap kits can be purchased or you can…

  • What Every Weight Loss Consumer Should Know

    What Every Weight Loss Consumer Should Know

    For a weight loss supplement consumer, weight loss supplements offer a number of different means. One consumer might be using supplements to help speed up their metabolism. Another might be using weight loss supplements to suppress appetite. Regardless of the means, however, a weight loss supplement consumer takes supplements with the goal of burning more…

  • Why Should You Be Aware Of Weight Loss Hypnosis Programs

    Why Should You Be Aware Of Weight Loss Hypnosis Programs

    For a lot of people, their first and only exposure to the world of hypnosis is through an entertainment stage hypnotist. They watch television programs or stage performances where the stage hypnotist induce participants into a hypnotic state and request them to do silly antics like hopping around or pretending to be someone else. This…

  • The Curb Your Cravings Weight Loss Patch- Does It Really Work?

    The Curb Your Cravings Weight Loss Patch- Does It Really Work?

    Obesity is a sickness that can affect anyone at anytime. At present, it is estimated that as much as 65% of adult Americans are suffering from obesity. This percentage is increasing every year, and that doesn't even include children and those suffering from morbid obesity. Because of the this, people are constantly finding ways to…

  • To Lose Weight Fast, Visualize Your Weight Loss Results and Write Down Your Weight Loss Goals

    How many times have you heard of the statement above? More than once I assume. In fact, I'm sure you have heard it like tonnes of times. The question is, did you follow the instruction as it is? Not very likely I guess. My friend, let me share with you a big secret… That is…

  • Natural Weight Loss Tips For Food Choosing In A Mall

    Natural Weight Loss Tips For Food Choosing In A Mall

    In a shopping mall, you will be offered a wide range of food and most people will opt for fast food. Yes, fast food can fill up your stomach. However, it can add on the pounds to your body faster than any other food and will harm your body in some way. I will share…