Category: Blog

  • Two Years Ago…

    …I was just waking up from being banded. And how my life has changed. I feel so different, so much smaller. I have energy and look forward to the rest of my life, however long it may be. I believe that one can change. Finally a weight loss method that actually works. Onward to the…

  • 150 Pounds

    150 Pounds

    This is the title of a book I just finished reading by Kate Rockland. It’s worth a read. Here is the Amazon Link. I downloaded it on my Kindle App for my iPad. What a great way to read books now. Here’s a review which says it better than I could have: A smartly-written novel of…

  • Fat Kids, Superheroes, Bad-Habits and Disney too!

    Fat Kids, Superheroes, Bad-Habits and Disney too!

    I came across this site which is supposed to help kids beat bad habits.  It’s an on-line game to fight bad habits by Disney who also has an new exhibit at Epcot—Habit Heroes. Epcot’s exhibit has kids following two characters, “Will Power” and “Callie Stenics”, through a 4,700 square foot attraction to defeat bad characters. Read…

  • It’s Cold

    It’s Cold

    Actually, I AM COLD. A funny thing happened when I lost weight. I got cold. Really cold. I don’t know the reason per se. I was always the one in the house turning down the heat. Visitors (and family) claimed my house was cold. I told them to put on a sweater. I would hand…

  • It’s a New Day-I’m Starting a New Blog

    It’s a New Day-I’m Starting a New Blog

    The time has come. I am transitioning out of the Weight Loss Rollercoaster to begin a new chapter of reflection in my life. I felt my blog was too weight loss (ha! ha!, the title says it all!) centered. I wanted to begin working on other parts of me. I don’t know what they are…

  • Quickies and What has She Been Smokin’

    I couldn’t stay away for long. Two people asked about quickies. Meals that is. You know the go to stuff to keep you full and on track. First it was Gilly  who just discovered Monterey Jack cheese. It’s been around these parts for years so I don’t know what she’s been smokin’. It was discovered…

  • Will I be Ready to Retire?

    Will I be Ready to Retire?

    Click here to read my post on my other blog, The Rest of Our Days. * This article was originally published here

  • Walking is My Exercise of Choice

    Walking is My Exercise of Choice

    Walking has been part of my life for over 5 decades. From walking to elementary and high schools, to walks through the neightbourhood and trails close to home and when travelling. No running, no biking. Walking. I choose to walk for health because I enjoy it. Not because it will help me lose weight because…

  • Poutine is NOT a National Dish

    Poutine is NOT a National Dish

    This is just sick. Really sick. Wendy’s Canada seems to think we should make this Heart Attack on a Plate the national dish of Canada. Don’t know what Poutine is? Here’s the recipe: Start with a huge plate of French Fries Top with a bunch of Cheese Curd Drench the entire pile with Gravy. Our way…

  • Raising Kids

    Raising Kids

    “There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: One is roots, the other is wings” by Hodding Carter. I really like this quote because someone recently asked me if I would still have kids if I had to do it all over again?  Babies seem to be popping up all over the place. There are…