Red Licorice

At my new workplace they have a really nice lunch room with a vending machine full of chips, chocolate bars and these small packs of red licorice. It’s a little downfall of mine.

If you look really close, it says “As Always, A Low Fat Candy” 

Yesterday and today have been stellar eating days. I had reached epic sugar loads for the last couple of weeks and decided to smash that sugar monster from my body. But the brain doesn’t listen very well. It keeps telling me to eat some sugar. 

On both days I’ve convinced myself NOT to buy the red licorice. I was almost successful until my meeting ended early this afternoon. So my mind wandered. I deserved the red licorice. I needed the red licorice. Go buy the red licorice. 
So I unlocked the drawer to get my purse, pulled out my wallet went to the vending machine. Half way across the lunch room, I saw the space where red licorice is supposed to be—EMPTY. 
Oh the injustice! 
Off course I had to walk right up to the machine to check if they moved it to another slot. Nope. All gone. A little sticky in the empty space said ‘reglisse’. I work in a French office but I just knew that word meant licorice (it does). ***Le sigh*** 
OK, one of you was sending out vibes to make the red licorice disappear. It worked. I didn’t need them but my brain is not so happy. 
I’m trying to do my best in the eating department before my gallbladder surgery on January 24th. I figure I should try to shrink my liver a bit since he’ll be probing underneath it. I already have a fill booked for February 7th. I’m waiting two weeks post-op (thanks Darlin’!) although the real reason is having to attend a 3-day S*A*PTEC training course a week after surgery.

I need this fill. I have 3 work days left before I’m off for four weeks. Keep sending those vibes to make the red licorice disappear from that vending machine.

* This article was originally published here






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