It’s Cold

Actually, I AM COLD.

A funny thing happened when I lost weight. I got cold. Really cold.

I don’t know the reason per se. I was always the one in the house turning down the heat. Visitors (and family) claimed my house was cold. I told them to put on a sweater. I would hand out blankets as they shivered on the couch. I was ALWAYS hot.

I’m now the one who keeps turning up the heat and hubby is complaining and telling me to “put on a sweater”.

And maybe menopause has something to do with it. Once you lose all the hormones, you get cold. You have to go through a bunch of hot flashes and stuff, but in the end you get cold.

What I would give for a few hot flashes again. Many times at night now I have to roll over to cuddle beside my hubby to warm me up. He is like a furnace. Most days I sit at work, freezing. I constantly have a cashmere scarf wrapped around my neck and sometimes have to add a sweater. My hands get cold now. My feet get cold too—I almost always wear slippers around the house.

I don’t find it cold being outside. But I have the car blasting hot air and am wrapped up in said cashmere scarf, coat and UGGS, the warmest boots ever. Granted the thermometer these days is sitting around 0C (32F) and it has been constantly snowing these last few days. March came in like a lion so I hope it goes out like a lamb. And warms up. I’m going to the Dominican Republic for a week on April 4th for my niece’s wedding and worried that it would be too hot. But now I don’t think I’ll have a problem with the heat like I did 3 years ago when I was in Cuba. In July. I almost melted. That was pre-weight loss.

But something has changed.

One possibility is that I have new clothes. Things that are lighter and less material. I used to notice people around me in these sheer tops and tanks. That’s me now, except I have to add a sweater most days.

Before I lost the fat, I would wrap myself in big bulky sweatshirts to hide. But they sure were warm—part of the reason I kept my house so cool. I still have a few but now have to wear a T-shirt under them as another layer of warmth.

A few months ago, the doc at my weightloss clinic said that with chronic imflammation (from the gallbladder), the body produces a lot of stress hormones, lots of cortisol. Now that I don’t have the gallbladder anymore, my body is readjusting its hormones and chemistry. So maybe my body is just adjusting to normal. And normal means my body doesn’t like the cold.

But could someone please send me some warm sunshine!

Or maybe I’ll just go to the doctor and loudly discuss how cold I am. I’ll invite Drazil along because you know what she thinks of “old” people complaining. But I’ll loudly say to anyone who’ll listen: “I’m freezing my @$$ off!”

* This article was originally published here






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