I’ve struggled with my weight and finding balance my entire life. During my formative years, I dealt with a lot of mean girls. How did I cope? Binge eating! Having family problems? The answer can obviously be found at the bottom of an ice cream carton. And low self-esteem? Psshhh I didn’t have that. I was in theatre and figure skating – how could I have self-confidence issues if I were always performing?
Sure enough, my chosen coping mechanisms lead to steady weight gain and I was nearing 250 pounds my sophomore year of college. I had finally had enough; I couldn’t walk around my campus without getting winded, I was tired all the time, and I felt lost and unsure of myself. I began my journey in 2011 and since have lost 50 pounds, ran a couple half marathons, got a trainer, competed in a weight-lifting meet, gained back about 40 pounds, found a community dedicated to loving yourself and being healthy, turned my passion for health into a career path, and lost 20 pounds again. This is a lifelong journey, but I’m finally feeling like I’ve found balance. Thank you all for the support along the way.
My personal Transformation Tuesday! Follow my journey on Instagram at arielmermaid02
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